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A Powerful Baritone

—Palm Beach Daily News

Baritone Jacob O’Shea is a rising young artist whose performances have been deemed, “visually and vocally [commanding]” (Boston Musical Intelligencer). Having spent the last two seasons singing with companies across the US, including Palm Beach Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, and Central City, O’Shea now returns to Boston for the ’24-’25 season.


Featured Video

Donne mie la fate a tanti

Mozart Così fan tutte

Angela Gouch, piano


" Visually and vocally [commanding]..."

—Boston Musical Intelligencer

Recent Schedule

December 9,

West Palm Beach, FL

Resident Artist Showcase

Palm Beach Opera

Figaro (Le Nozze Act 1 Scene 1)

July 20 & 22, 2023

Des Moines, IA

The Falling and the Rising

Des Moines Metro Opera

Colonel (Cover)

July 12, 2023

Des Moines, IA

Stars of Tomorrow

Des Moines Metro Opera

Dr. Miracle (Antonia Trio)

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